Embrace Diversity

For the past several years, D&I has garnered the center stage in the world of human resources. From the #genderequality, #Pride, #BlackLivesMatter and #MeToo movements to the various corporate diversity reports coming out, it has truly occupied the limelight in every conversation. We have seen organizations conduct D&I trainings, give away handouts and literature. The topic is everywhere, in every
possible HR discussion forum. From sexism and racism to ableism and ageism, the fight for D&I is a battle on many fronts.
Let’s start interviewing

Power Interviewing Moving on from our last article on basic mindfulness of conducting interview discussions, its time to remind ourselves about the effectiveness of some simple and yet important questions. Interviewing is both an art and a science, and with enough preparation you can reap the rewards in the form of an awesome new hire […]
Interviewing Mindfulness

Dear Interviewing Managers, it’s time to wonder if your interview sessions have larger impact and why should you be mindful and structured when in one Let’s start with the START.A job interview is not only a conversation between a you as employer and a job applicant but a crucial opportunity to display organisation’s culture and […]
Labour Law Annexure

Besides bringing into focus the growing number of cases each day, it is deeply impacting and transforming the way the economy operates. Making headlines recently, is the transformation in ‘labour laws’ proposed by few Indian state governments like Gujrat, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Maharashtra and Punjab through exempting various parts of labour laws.
Labour Law 1

Before we commence understanding what’s being proposed, it is important to familiarize ourselves with the current labour laws of India.
One Year of Wrightree

We are delighted to share with you WrightRee Hiring Partners which began its journey in June 2019 today completes its one year. We started with a vision and dream of creating an impact in the area of Human Capital Management and Talent Acquisition across all levels.
Is work-from-home working for you?

I was as amazed as you were, when I heard this. Tata Consultancy Services, India’s
largest infotech and outsourcing company with approximately 450,000 employees,
reported recently that it would move 75 percent of its employees to ‘work from home’permanently by 2025! Yes.