We are delighted to share with you WrightRee Hiring Partners which began its journey in June 2019 today completes its one year. We started with a vision and dream of creating an impact in the area of Human Capital Management and Talent Acquisition across all levels.
We strongly believe in enabling hiring solutions through quality hires. We work collaboratively with our clients to assess their human capital needs by providing efficient and effective solutions. We have made innumerable acquaintances which have led to close partnerships and longstanding friendships.
Our first few clients are from IT and Insurance sectors. Now, at the completion of a year, we are happy to share that we have not only added ‘Club hire’ and ‘Campus Program’ to our service catalogue, but also increased our clientele to hospitality and automobile industry, and many more to follow !
We have had to take the good with the bad at a time of great change for our industry. We have built a vast platform and have gathered a strong and an enthusiastic team, who together, across markets, time zones and borders, deliver the highest standards of services at all times. Moving forward, our focus will
remain on offering ‘customizable hiring experience’ and delivering results with best hiring speed and cost.
Last three months have been challenging for all. The advent of the deadly virus has negatively impacted several businesses, including ours. Having said that, there is a lot that we have learnt about dynamic ways of working and using technology to bridge any communication gap. We are getting used to the ‘new
normal’ and picking up pace, once again.
We believe in lifting others, as we lift ourselves. The corona fuelled economic calamity has led many organizations to either cancel or postpone their Management Training Programs. Several aspiring MT’s have been left stranded. To do our bit at this trying time, we have started a program called ‘The Campus
Connect’. With this initiative we aim to bring the interns closer to the companies who can offer them an online or work-from-home internship opportunities and a fruitful engagements.
At this juncture, we at WrightRee Hiring Partners would like to take this opportunity to thank our esteemed clients, partners and associates for helping us reach where we are today. We look forward to continuing our partnerships for achieving newer heights together in coming years. We aspire to deliver more and better work with high standards.